Reclaiming the Black Narrative
Founder and Storyteller, Angela Ford discusses her dedication to preserving and sharing images of African American Culture and its tie to meaningful Black journalism. She is later joined by Morgan Johnson, co-Founder of The Triibe, to discuss the importance of Black archives to a global audience. This is our Talk at Google.
Sharing Our African American Images
We needed an independent entity, owned and operated by The African American community itself. We take the time and care to remind the owners of the importance of sharing access to their archives. We have teams of professional archivists and historians from the communities; creating jobs for professionals and ensuring respectably accurate curating.
What We Do
The Obsidian Images website is a portal for photojournalists to post their images for world viewing and limited-royalty use. Participating brings not only awareness of private collections, but an additional revenue stream to the owners of the collections. Through this portal, The Obsidian Collection hosts images, film and other media, providing a safe and secure online repository to store and preserve the history of our communities.
The Obsidian Center website is a detailed description of our digitization and event planning services. We work with organizations, schools and archives to bring existing collections to the world for viewing. We work with existing teams or bring our own. The goal is to preserve the archives in place while making the collections' viewing available to the world.